iFlash touch: Quick development update

Loopware — Tags: — Davey @ November 23, 2008

Hey everyone,

Just a quick update on iFlash touch development. I’ve had more time to work on it recently, and have made some good progress getting the card show up and running. It truly feels incredible to flick through your cards… much better than I could have imagined!

Anyways, things are still in a kind-of-crazy state, but that’s how it always is with software development. I’ve had an application icon designed, and I think it looks amazing (!), but I’ll preview that at a later date once I’m closer to release :-).

I’m currently aiming to have a beta ready by mid-to-late December. I’ll post more about that once I’m ready to begin the beta program.

Thank you all for your patience! I know that iFlash touch is taking longer than expected, but I hope it’s (ultimately) worth the wait!

- Davey

iFlash touch icon

Loopware — Tags: — Davey @ October 13, 2008

So I’m currently working with an artist to figure out what the icon for iFlash touch should be, and I wanted to as a quick question from everyone :-).

When you think of knowledge and learning, what immediately pops into your mind?

Any responses would greatly help! Thanks! (and yes, I’ll have another post detailing the current status of iFlash touch soon).

- Davey

The App Store Controversy

Journal — Davey @ September 24, 2008

Edit: after thinking about it more, I’ve completely switched positions. We, as a community, need to push back and let our feelings be known to Apple now before things get worse. I’ll leave the original post unedited below.

- Davey


It seems that, lately, there’s been a large amount of controversy spreading around the Mac and iPhone developer community, mostly stemming from Apple’s recent decision to ban a few apps from the App Store. 

Well I, personally, think we all need to take a step back for a minute and take a deep collective breath.

First, the three events that have everyone up in arms all happened relatively recently, and Apple really hasn’t had time to figure out what exactly to do. No matter what it may seem like on the outside, Apple is really just a bunch of people who sometimes make rash decisions without fully considering the ramifications. You can safely bet that there is a huge conversation going on right now about what to do, the results of which will probably be revealed soon.

Second, with Apple, it always seems like it gets worse before it eventually gets better. Remember when they offered us the “sweet” solution of web apps for the iPhone? We all know now that was only a stop-gap solution until the App Store could be figured out, but at the time it felt like the end of the iPhone developer world.

Third, although many of us are scared at what comes next, and some have even considered a change to the new Android platform, we should (again) take a step back and realize these are hasty responses to issues that we still know very little about. There’s no need to immediately abandon the iPhone ship because of a few denied apps. Really! Not just yet, anyways.

I am at least as angry (if not more, for reasons I can’t go in to) about the news of Apple denying apps that “duplicate functionality” as anyone else. But I also know that we all need to wait and see what emerges in the coming months.

Then, and only then, should we make a decision.

- Davey

First look at iFlash touch

Loopware — Tags: — Davey @ September 18, 2008

This is long overdue, but here’s a first look of iFlash touch running on an iPhone. Please don’t take this as an indicator that it will be released soon, because it is still far from complete, but do know that I’m actively working on it!  :-)

Anyways, enough talk. Here it is!

Nothing too exciting yet, but it’s a good start (especially considering how my original sketch for this screen looked). You’ll notice that the Deck Library is going to be built right into iFlash touch, so anyone, whether they have iFlash on the Mac or not, will instantly get access to over 2,500 decks. Pretty awesome!

I’ll be revealing more screenshots as development continues, so stay tuned!

- Davey

Life in a new city

Journal — Davey @ September 4, 2008

I have been living in Portland, Oregon now for all of 2.5 days, but what an astonishing time it has been. I’m now doing an internship at Panic, Inc., a small (10 people) Mac software company located in the heart of Portland. I’ll talk about Panic in the future, but right now I’d like to pour out my thoughts about the city itself.

For me, this is the first time I’ve actually lived in a city, and the experience is, well, very different! There are so many types of people here, ranging from the “hipsters” (saw the term on Yelp.com, heh), to the tourists taking pictures left and right, to the beggars asking for money on seemingly-random street corners. It’s both awesome and scary, but it sure makes for some fun people watching :-).

The transition from suburbia to a city obviously carries many challenges, but what I wasn’t expecting is how awesomely convenient it is to live in the middle of literally everything. Within 10 minutes, I can walk to endless restaurants, book stores, coffee shops, companies, parks… basically anything I’d ever need.

I’ll repeat this again, since it still blows my mind. I can walk to all of this, without breaking a sweat. Whoa.

Anyways, more to come in a future post. It’s time for me to continue my hunt for an actual place to live!

- Davey

Blog merge: go!

Journal,Loopware — Davey @

I’ve decided to merge Loopware/iFlash’s blog and my personal blog under the same davidmcgavern.com umbrella. However, I’m still keeping the two separate if you only want to read one or the other :-). Here are two links you can use if you only want to read either the Loopware blog or my own journal:

Loopware blog posts

Journal blog posts


- Davey

Blog back up! And, an iFlash on iPhone update…

Loopware — Tags: , — Davey @ August 22, 2008

Hey everyone,

So I’ve converted back to WordPress for my blog. I liked Chyrp, but upgrading it was too much of a hassle to keep using it. Unfortunately, during the conversion process all existing comments were lost, but feel free to leave new ones!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about iFlash on the iPhone, and unfortunately I don’t have much to report. I’ve been busy doing an internship at Apple for the last 3 months, which has put a damper on my plans to have a working version out soon. I’m hoping to find some time to work on it soon though, and I’ll try to blog about it more regularly once there’s more to see.

If anyone’s interested in seeing the mockups, I could probably find a way to get those posted as well.


- Davey

Restoring blog…

Loopware — admin @ August 12, 2008

Hey everyone,

Sorry about the downtime. I’m still working on getting the blog back up in running order. Thanks!

Anyone know any good PC flash card programs?

Loopware — admin @ July 4, 2008

I often get emails asking whether I know of a good flash card program for Windows, and I never have a good answer to give. All of the ones that I have seen are either 1) way too complicated, 2) the interface is horribly bad, or 3) both!

Does anyone know of some good Windows flash card programs out there? I’m having a hard time finding one to recommend. (And, if you happen to make one for Windows, please email me!)


- Davey

Updating through iFlash is currently down…

Loopware — admin @ June 17, 2008

Update: The built-in updater now works again. Thanks for your patience!

Just a quick note. If you try updating through the iFlash updater (by clicking the iFlash menu and selecting “Check for New Version”), iFlash will report that it can’t reach the Loopware servers. Until I fix this problem, you can download/update iFlash by visiting the following link:



- Davey

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